The NBN rollout is a nation-wide upgrade from copper to fibre-optic networks. It is arguably the largest infrastructure project in Australian history and is managed by the government-owned company NBN™. The purpose of this project is to provide Australian homes and businesses with much faster and more reliable internet service.

Reduced cost of network infrastructure

Successful businesses use change as a catalyst for growth. With better connectivity at a lower cost, businesses are wise to adopt more advanced technologies to support work operations. The transition from on-premise storage to cloud-based storage is arguably the most common. The faster internet that results from the NBN rollout means data can be stored and accessed in the cloud at an increasingly rapid pace. There is much less need to invest in costly network infrastructure used for on-premise backups.

Increase productivity

It’s not surprising that with increased internet speeds everything can get done a lot faster – whether it’s sending large attachments, downloading files or storing and accessing data in the cloud. Employees are able to complete tasks and projects with fewer delays, moving the whole business forward with greater momentum. Communication services such as video calling, live chat, and VoIP phone systems rely heavily on connection speed. The NBN rollout will eliminate the frequent buffering and disconnections in the middle of important calls. The improved quality of video conferencing, live chats, and VoIP will make it easier to communicate and work remotely, increasing employee productivity overall. The same services also improve customer service as staff support will become more accessible.

Better collaboration

With faster internet businesses can truly take advantage of file-sharing programs such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Azure, and Citrix Sharefile. Team members are able to collectively work on and edit documents in real-time with fewer delays or connection problems. Along with communication tools such as teleconferencing, live chat, and VoIP, these file-sharing programs will encourage more collaboration among team members. Workflow and progress on projects can be tracked and moderated. Team members can communicate with each other from different locations and time zones.

Take action now

Adapt to this nation-wide network upgrade by moving your services to the cloud and by using file-share programs and VoIP technology. For all your current copper-based services (i.e. alarms, fax, and EFTPOS) you must arrange alternative options that are compatible with the new fibre-optic network.

In this competitive day and age, businesses must know how to embrace change in order to survive. Our certified IT consultants at Insight IT can help you future-proof your IT infrastructure. Find out more about our services here or contact us to receive expert advice.